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Saturday, February 25, 2012

surfs up!

A few weeks ago my hunni and I decided to go surfing....yup right here in Jamaica.

Let's not focus on my 'gym-needy' body lol

We had our class at the Copa Cobana Beach which isn't too far out from Harbor View. Our instructor named Luke has been surfing for quite some time now, and has even competed internationally in surfing tournaments (which is pretty darn cool if you ask me).

Now just to clear things up, I've been a bit afraid of sea water, because in the past I've come really close to drowning in the ocean. It's not that I can't save myself if needs be...but it's quite obvious how the pool and beach are two different situations!

So I honestly was really nervous to surf, but Luke was really cool and understood the situation with my nerves. He was there motivating us even though the wave just about ate you when you didn't keep balance on the board. lol

 Also, as you can see the surfing beach we went to isn't one of those 'white sandy beaches' you usually hear about when persons talk about Jamaica. This one is a 'black sand beach',and because of that, it isn't a perfectly manicured beach with no stones and all that stuff. With that said, I will admit that I did come home with a few scrapes from the times I did fall off the board, but there were really no major stones with sharp edges like that of daggers.

Anywho, I can admit that I was extremely impressed with myself! Although I did fall off (or jump off) the board a couple times well, I also surfed a wave all the way to the beach....and I made it just about half way for another wave or two. This of course surprised my hunni and the other guys we were with, especially since Luke says usually the girls come and just chill and watch.

yay me for being out of the norm!

Overall it was really fun. I never imagined I would be at a point where I'm brave enough to try it, but now I can say 'I've surfed in Jamaica' or 'I've surfed before.'

I will tell you was definitely a workout and my arms felt it for days!!!! Surfing 100% reminded me that I really need to get myself back in the gym and work on toning my body and improving my overall fitness.

None the less, you guys should definitely try it if you get the chance. Break out of your shell and try something only life once, you're only young once and there's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy life to the max!

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