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Friday, January 25, 2013

the weekend ahead

Those who know me would know that I'm rarely out these days. But with 2 great events happening this weekend....looks like I'll be making a move twice this weekend!

After getting through the last day of the week, Friday is for relaxing and putting the stressful week behind you. That is...unless of course you're like me and will be using Friday night to catch up on some work you need to get finished. *not much fun*
On the bright side, if i get enough stuff done on Friday night then I'll have enough time for my Saturday and Sunday shenanigans...and for some sleep!

Is possibly another day for catching up on some work (this is what happens when you're trying to get a business off the work just about whenever work is to be done). 
The Saturday night party is Bottles & Cues at Club Overtime (NHT Building, New Kingston) . It's the first of a series which will be held on the last Saturday of every month...and my Coppershot family will be on the wheels of steel so that's definitely an insight for the great vibes you'll be getting! It's free with invite and $500 without...and ladies are free before 12. #WorthCheckingOut

Since Sunday is more of a relaxed day, the perfect Sunday flex for you is the Syndicate Events BBQ. This is the second in their charity BBQ series and if you recall, from the previous one (held Ash Wednesday 2012) the Syndicate Events team was able to donate J$100,000 to the Danny Williams Primary School for the Deaf to aid in the construction of a resource room. Thanks to their event sponsors they were also able to donate meat produce for the school kitchen, and 2 laptops for students.
I think what impresses me most about this event is that for just $1,000 you can choose from 4 different dishes to enjoy, you have a well stocked bar to buy out, good music to soak in....and it's all for a worthy cause! #WorthCheckingOut

All in all my weekend is working on personal projects and having some good fun with friends. It sounds like a done deal for me...and I'm inviting everyone to come have some fun!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

OneLove: Jamaican Blogger Tag

So this is all new to me, but I got tagged in a blogger tag by fellow Jamaican blogger As Told By Nella. *yay for Jamaican bloggers*

What's a blogger tag you ask?

Pretty much, it's like a game of know that game you play as a kid?....yup!

It involves bloggers of all niches who aim to form links and possibly discover new information and new bloggers while having a little fun. It begins when one blogger chooses the topic of the tag, then gives a list of questions (or one general question that's wise enough to be broken down into list form). After the first blogger answers the question(s), he/she will "tag" other bloggers to continue the tag. 

Now for the rules:
1. Title your post "OneLove: Jamaica Blogger Tag"
2. Link back to the blogger who tagged you (you can add a basic definition of what a tag is for the benefit of your readers) 
3. Copy and paste the rules at the beginning of your tag
4. Copy and paste the questions so your readers know what's going on
5. Answer the questions
6. Tag seven other Jamaican bloggers to continue the trend.So it's pretty simple....and since most of my readers are outside of Jamaica you all probably don't mind getting to link other Jamaican blogs. =]

Based on the steps....I've already titled the post, linked to the blogger who tagged me (click here for her blog), and pasted the I post the questions and answer them! 

Lets go with them questions!  
1. Why did you give your blog its name? (If it is named directly after you, try and make your answer interesting. eg: Did you feel nervous at all about putting your name out there? Did you just lack creativity at the time?) 
2. Why did you start blogging and why do you blog now?
3. Do you think being Jamaican influences your blogging style? 
4. What do you think about the increase in bloggers in Jamaica? 
5. What is your favourite thing about being Jamaican? 
6. Ackee and saltfish or “ (mackerel) run down”? 
7. Stew peas or stew chicken? 
8. Tastee Patties, Juici Beef Patties or Mother’s? 
9. Pantucky or KFC? 
10. What do you hope to be the future of blogging in Jamaica?

The questions are all nice and easy. Here's my answers!

1. Like many other people I have about a million thoughts in a very short span of time. I've wondered if I have an attention disorder, but been told that millions of thoughts isn't a bad thing because it's a sign that the brain keeps ticking! So here on my blog, it's really a collection of some of the millions of thoughts I least the ones I get the chance to fully think through and post lol...hence the ever so obvious name: "In Between A Million Thoughts
2. I started my blog as an avenue to express myself. Reading it, you'd see that there is no set theme throughout the blog, but rather a number of different things that interest me at different times. Whether it's a review, a bit of motivation, a cool idea or some kind of commentary, my blog gets some of my thoughts out to an audience of persons across the globe...oh, the reason I started is the same reason I keep blogging.
3. I don't know if being Jamaican  necessarily influences my blogging style, but I know that more often than not my posts are based on a Jamaican situation that I tweek to have an international flair.
4. I love the fact that more Jamaicans have blogs! First of all, a blog is an opportunity for persons to express their opinions and I'm 100% sure that the average Jamaican has loads of opinions! Secondly what I've noticed is that Jamaican blogs vary in content and method of delivery (whether photography, writing or videos) which is a great way for us to share our thoughts, show off our creativity and in quite a few cases share our culture with the world from a very personal standpoint.
5. Wow, my favourite thing about being Jamaican....that would be everything! While there are stuff I don't like about home, there's so much more stuff that I love. The food, entertainment, music, dance and overall lifestyle has such interesting variety that even other folks across the globe want to be Jamaican.  

6. I can't necessarily say I go head over heels for either one, but since I totally don't like mackerel run down....I'll have to go with Ackee and only problem is when it's cooked with too much oil!  

7. Stew chicken wins hands down...with the chicken cut up of course! =] Preferably this should be served with green banana, yam and fried/boiled dumplin! (great now I'm hungry -_-)
8. Although patties really shouldn't be a part of my EatHealthy diet...from the list, I'm gonna go with Juici Patties. I've never really had a horrible experience with them and I strangely like that super flaky/messy crust! Overall though...a patty from the Devon House bakery is really the patty a chick needs in her life. lol
9. While Jamaican KFC is probably the best across the globe, I say 'Pantucky.' For those overseas who are unsure as to what this is all about...'Pantucky' is chicken prepared in a metal pan (similar to a bbq grill) with lots of seasoning (usually jerk seasoning). This is one of the things about Jamaican food that I like because 'Pantucky' isn't just chicken but also includes the option of pork, lamb and ribs. A nice option for dinner or for that post-party meal.

10. I think right now the Jamaican blogging community is making some good progress. Through the Jamaica Blog Awards there is the exposure and recognition of numerous blogs by bloggers across the island and within the diaspora. What I'd love to see though is more collaboration between the bloggers. From an entrepreneurship standpoint, I'd also like to see more bloggers being taken seriously by corporate entities and developing their craft to be used as a main means of income.   

So there we have it....another set of my millions of thoughts! Thanks a bunches As Told By Nella for tagging me in this game! I tag:

Bloom Foundation for Education - The blog for my non-profit organisation aimed at improving the life of special needs students in Jamaica.
DANCE Jamaica  - Blog by my friend Charissa that has just about all things dance related on this talented little island, specifically as it relates to dance ministry. 
Natalia Oh! - My fab fashionista and DIY Queen focusing on female fashion and easy DIY projects to enhance your wardrobe.
The Smoking Jacket - Men's styling for the fashion forward lad who really wants to make a statement when he goes anywhere.
ChiefIsWrite - A somewhat unexpected collection of poetry from a writer turned marketer.
Sour Skittles - A mix of this, that and the other from a friend who like me, blogs of her random thoughts. 
Adrian Creary - Amazing photos by an equally amazing young man!

Let's see how many new Jamaican blogs I'll find out about!

Friday, January 11, 2013

blog challenge 2013

I've officially decided what my 2013 blog challenge will be. It really is more of a general 2013 challenge but I'll be using my blog to enhance the challenge.

What is this 'challenge' I speak of?


My 2013 blog challenge is a ReadingChallenge which I'm doing through and anticipating will be great.

I have a very simple reading goal for 2013 and that's to read 12 books (about 1 book per month). This may be little to nothing for the 'star reader' (who probably goes through one book in 2 days), but I never really had a love for reading novels, although I read my InStyle magazine monthly and read the newspaper with no stress. Last year I probably read 3 books in my 12 book goal for 2013 is actually a big step up!

I've started off the year with 'The Weird Sisters' which so far is pretty good. What I plan to do is at the end of the month give my 2-cents and rate each book I read.

I'll admit that I have no clue which book is next, but, I'll be doing some book shopping as the weeks go by to get the other 11 books on my shelf.

Feel free to give me some suggestions of books I should read.

Oh...any one out there want to take on this challenge with me? You can build your own challenge on good reads, so check that out!

Monday, January 7, 2013

the year I wandered....

The first time I heard/saw this statement I don't think I saw what it could really mean. For most persons I believe it's safe to say that the quote makes them think of a traveler who although not in one place for long (like a nomad), he/she isn't lost because that is exactly what they be wandering. least that was my initial thought. 

Now, it's different. 

I don't think of a nomadic traveler, instead I think of someone going through a transitional phase...'wandering' from one stage in life to another; where the in between stage carries minimal structure and is more or less a situation where one is going through the motions of life.

I spent 2012 in this 'wandering stage.' I finished college in 2011 and like many other college graduates my dream job wasn't at my fingertips, nor was the opportunity to go straight to graduate school. Throughout the year although I wandered, it wasn't that I didn't know what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go; instead it was a situation where these things just needed more time before they would/could manifest, for whatever reason.

Although I had my part-time jobs and personal projects to keep me busy, of course there were days where I felt annoyed that I was just wandering and seemingly not getting where I wanted to go. What made it even more frustrating sometimes was the fact that I had friends and peers who were not wandering, and instead were having the time of their life with their jobs/opportunities/situations/etc...many of whom loved it all.

But it wasn't as if I was the only one who wasn't, dare I say 'living it up'. There were those persons I knew who were wandering just like me, and for some of them this was completely okay and their year of transition never bothered them one bit. For me though, it sometimes drove me half crazy knowing that there was almost never a schedule of things to be done!

But the year wasn't all bad....

My year of wandering taught me to relax and step back from the chaotic lifestyle I had gotten used to over the years. Of course this wasn't always as amazingly relaxing as one may think. If I spent one third of my year asking myself 'what am I really doing with my life?', I got to spend the remaining two thirds answering the question.

The increase in free time gave me the chance to try new projects including an ungraded online course, a short course in event planning and even the development of my non-profit organisation - Bloom Foundation for Education. I took time to research the colleges I would apply to for graduate school, and even gave myself the chance to think through some of the goals I had for my life...reassessing where necessary and making whatever changes I thought would make the realisation of my goals easier.

With 2012 in the past and 2013 now very much here, I've decided to re-do my dream book and vision board with the adjusted goals I now have.

Does this imply that my wandering is done?

Probably not. I still don't have the dream job, nor have I started the masters program I long to be in....yet!...

The adjusted goals are really more or less the same goals taken from a different angle and that new angle is the direction I'll be working in for 2013. It does call for changes from the way things were done last year, but these will happen overtime throughout the year....surely not all at once.

So I guess I'll be wandering in some areas of my life and not in others.... I believe that now that I have a better appreciation for a 'wanderer' who isn't at all lost, 2013 will be an amazing year with goal setting, self improvement and whatever other great learning opportunity I wander into!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

from 12 to 13

Happy New Year! I do hope that wherever you are around the world you had a good New Year's Eve and a good January 1st, 2013.

2012 was an unusual year for me, a very slow one that often gave me reason to believe that nothing would ever go in the direction of my dreams. Fortunately though 2012 saw the birth of my foundation for special needs students in proudest accomplishment to date!

For 2013, I've put together my goals and dreams, and decided that this year I'll be working on my professional self. Of course in the mix I'll put in some personal improvements, but overall, I'm going for the major dreams I've got....and that's my dream job (or dream jobs rather).

Even if it means that at the end of the year I'm half way around the world, as long as I'm 100% happy with my improvements I'm game.

Hope 2013 gives you the best and helps you be the best you!