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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Y: Y me?!


It really has been a while....and today as I try to keep sane with some of the things happening around me....I feel that blogging is my best bet for sanity.

So has been a long summer and a long time since I posted about what has been happening in my mind (and real life). Lately I haven't been the most lucky least not with some things.

While I continue to be blessed with life and many amazing phone was stolen (right out of my car) and just weeks later an accident at work has left my laptop screen with weird colourful lines, cracks and black blotches. *sigh* In addition to that my room has an annoyingly random leak in one corner and my car needs a number of stuff to be fixed on it (need a new car really, but I'm working with what I've got).

Also happening this summer, I handed over my crown and I've hosted a few events for my charity as well (some crazier than others and all that jazz...something anyone who has done events can relate to). eventful summer yes?

Fortunately for me...the roof no longer leaks, my laptop is back to business and I still have life and amazing blessings daily.

I'm still the determined woman I told you about, so I'm staying positive about everything as much as I can...including a new phone, my charity projects and grad school!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Wow, I have posted nothing since June and I'm sorry loves.

I am alive and well, and I do promise to get the rest of those AlphabetChallenge posts to you (still have Y and Z left).

I also have some other posts for you to check out and will be working on some new fundraising projects that I hope all my readers around the world will get involved in. =]

Until then, toodles
