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Sunday, March 3, 2013

GetOrganised: the basics

For March 2013, each Sunday I'll be helping you to GetOrganised. I'll share tips and tricks aimed at making organisation work for you...noting of course how you could possibly tweek everything to suit your needs.

The first thing about getting organised is figuring out what you need to organise. Makes sense right?

You may think everything is in chaos, but I've noticed that the best way to make sense of everything you need to get done, is to decide what you need to get done.

It can be pretty overwhelming to have lots to do and have no clue where to start...or to even remember what you need to do.

Yes, sometimes no matter how organised you think you are, when sleep hits or an emergency pops up, it can throw you off completely...but then you start over and make sense of what you need to get done.

How do you do this?

Simple! Make a note of all the things you want to organise or improve....we'll call it your spruce up list. It would be good too to put each thing into specific categories (this will make the next step much easier).

For example your 'spruce up list' may look like this:

Home - tidy closet, get rid of old clothes, sort bookshelves
Work/School - finish reports, organise notes, tidy office
Personal - hire assistant, clear up email, plan vacation, pay bills

So you've made your spruce up list. Right now, after making the list and looking back at the many things to organise you may think 'what the heck have I gotten myself into.' But trust me, this super list of many things will make sense soon....very soon.

Feel free to keep adding to this list until you're able to tackle everything one by one. Don't worry we'll be getting to that in the next GetOrganised post.


  1. Great idea, I've recently taken to the habit of writing and rewriting the things I need to get done; it really works!!

  2. Definitely!
    It also helps to show you how much you have accomplished when you can cross things off.

  3. Hey there! Great post! You've been linked! Check out my weekly link love post :
