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Sunday, December 4, 2011

watch what you post folks

As much as I use social media everyday, and love the fact that it keeps me in touch with my friends around the world, I think I still find it a bit fascinating how much info is presented and how much info is misinterpreted via the internet.

Everybody has something to say and personal opinion is great....without it blogs like mine would mean absolutely nothing. The problem is, ever so often personal opinion is shut down or misinterpreted. There are other times of course when someone is intentionally trying to shut down someone else.....but that is just another story.

I guess the whole idea is this: you want your opinion to be respected right? Well then it would only be fair that show the same respect to the other persons who you call your 'friends on Facebook.'

The same goes for Twitter. It's140 characters of personal opinion.....regardless of how random and silly it may seem. Half the time you tweet knowing well that nobody really cares about what you've said but that's ok cause all that matters is that you get to say what you want.

The problem starts when you offend someone for their personal opinion....or when your personal opinion offends someone..................

I think most people don't remember that in the same way that you can be offended by what others say, someone else can be offended by what you say.

All in all, while I support the idea of being able to express your own opinion, but be careful about whether or not you offend others.


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