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Thursday, December 22, 2011

about this Facebook timeline

the usual mass response to Facebook changes

Usually Facebook developers springs on a random change that most people just can't stand. Interestingly enough the most recent change - the timeline, seems to be getting more praise than any previous change.

I was surprised to see status' saying praising the change and not telling persons to not accept changes because they suck and so on.

wow Facebook finally made a good change, this timeline thing sick (by the way 'sick' = Jamaican term for 'great/hot')

Personally I think this is one of the biggest changes in a while, and honestly the timeline is really a more interesting concept and it's much cooler than just a plain old profile page. It almost looks like a webpage now and instead of constantly changing profile pics, persons are changing their 'cover photo' which spans the top of your page.

I only wish they would do some fixing with the Facebook messages......I honestly don't want the messages to be archived, I want them to be deleted! (ugh that's a whole other issue though)

I will admit though that there are a few people who have said that the format is a little confusing and that they aren't too fond of the change. We all know that in time (probably three weeks later like in the pic) they'll get to a point where they work with the changes....of Facebook does some kind of upgrade to change things a bit. =/

I'll be changing over to the timeline as soon as I find the perfect cover photo! =]

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