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Friday, December 9, 2011

all I want for Christmas is....

This time of year can be very depressing.....because more often than not, the list of 'I want' is usually much longer than the list of 'I can afford'.

If you're anything like me, all year you try to find ways to save but then the savings never seems to match up the the cost of all the 'I want.' Then to top that off, the older I get is the more I can understand why gifts move from 'buy me something pretty' to 'buy me something I need'. lol

Once upon a time my Grandma would go out and buy some hot new toy or girly thing for my sisters and we each get an envelope with a cute little card and money. Usually inside the card is a nice little Christmas blessing and the words 'you know I would never know what to get you so be sure to treat yourself to something nice' (or at least its something to that effect.)

Then that money from Grandma usually goes into buying the outfit for New Years Eve, something I actually need....or gas for the car.....or some other random thing that comes up.

But this year.........I'm thinking of sending a message to all my gift-givers:

I don't really want gifts, because everything I really want is gonna cost a pretty penny. Instead I'll be taking donations to go towards my Graduate School Fund.....if you are still adamant about buying me a gift I would prefer if you selected from the list below:

- money for my charity projects (my Deaf kids need all the help they can it's a worthy cause for the season of giving)
- a Kindle/Nook (preferably with a blue or green case)
- a new laptop (preferably one that has all the specs for graphics and entertainment)
- a shopping spree (save yourself from buying clothes I may not like or end up never wearing...instead just let me run wild in the store and you pay for it)
- a car (it need not be too fancy but spare me the gas guzzler)

I think it's a pretty good sum up.......I am also very aware that I may not get these things lol. On a serious note though

It's the thought that counts....and getting me a gift makes me feel special enough =]

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