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Monday, December 12, 2011

childhood memories

Today I had a few hours where I was extremely bored! I honestly felt a bit demented and was wondering how on earth persons sit at home doing nothing everyday!

After a while the boredom motivated me to jump on my bed.....something my Mother detests (so of course she wasn't home). Of course I had to avoid jumping with my hands in the air, because then I would possibly hit the roof and hurt God knows where.

Anywho while jumping up and down I remembered when I was kid and would jump on the bed with my sister and cousins and do all sorts of kicks and stuff in the air. I remember taking the seat cushions from the living room couch and placing them at the foot of the bed so that we could jump off the bed and bounce instead of hitting the floor.

Eventually of course I got tired of jumping today....I mean lets be honest I'm not as young as I used to be! lol When I hit the bed I started thinking about my childhood memories and felt quite comforted as I giggled to myself about some of the silly things that fascinated me.

As a child the simple things in life were very important to me...

- ballet and modern dance
- being a Girl Guide (Brownies is what we were called in prep school)
- my Gigapet.....that was the only thing I had to take care of
- Lisa Frank stickers and all that jazz
- magic milk and cream of wheat porridge with sprinkles (magic milk is a mix of milk and syrup/food colouring by the way)
- those silly glasses (like the one in my pic)
- the candy and random toys found in lootbags
- My Little Pony, Power Rangers, Captain Planet and all those other super amazing cartoons
- my Barbie dolls and all their fancy-dancy stuff
- my Barbie doll cell phone and jeep
- my matching school bag and lunch box!

Then of course there were the great benefits of being a child! Like the fact that certain statements like 'Mommy I'm hungry' or 'Mommy I need .... for school' got responses like 'Ok give me a minute' or 'I'll pick it up for you tomorrow.' Instead, I now hear 'So go get something to eat' (that is of course assuming that she acknowledges my statement at all) or 'Give me the money and I'll get it for you.'

Yea life was simple and there really wasn't anything serious that I had to worry about. Mommy made the decisions to solve every problem that existed and I just enjoyed being a kid.

It's kinda sad that life ain't that simple at age 21....but it's good to know that all those childhood memories made me as super amazing as I am today though!

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