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Saturday, December 24, 2011

all wrapped up: gift ideas

It's now Christmas Eve and I know that quite a number of persons haven't figured out what to buy as gifts for some of their loved ones. For many persons, buying Christmas gifts can be one of the most challenging tasks for the season...and when you really just don't know where to start or have limited funds, then it can be extremely frustrating.

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A few readers asked for my help in giving some gift ideas, so here goes. The first thing you need to consider is 'who am I buying this gift for and what kind of person is he/she?' As simple as it may seem, this is often overlooked and in my opinion that's the cause of half your problem. So I've put together some categories for you to think about, and in another post I'll give you some tips on having a successful shopping trip.

Clothing and accessories
I believe the first thing to consider when getting clothing/accessories for anyone is to find out what they already have and what they want/need. Being realistic, it's kinda pointless to buy someone something they already have, when you could have instead gotten something they actually want/need. Try getting them to compile a mini wish-list or do a little Facebook/closet stalking to somewhat see what their wardrobe already has. (lol yes that's a bit creepy....but I guarantee it works).

You also have the options of 'window shopping' with the person and then going back to purchase something they liked; or getting someone with similar taste to accompany you on your quest. With clothing, be sure to take into consideration sizes because it would definitely suck to get something you love but cant fit into it.

Tech savvy stuff
To be honest it usually is hard to buy tech gifts for someone who is totally into that kind of thing. Why? Because usually they already have all the cool gadgets they want...or the one they want is a pretty penny. Gift certificates are a good idea for the tech-lover so that he/she can pick the gadget they want from a store full of fancy gadgets.

Accessories, gift cards and special offers related to the gadget they love is also an option; especially if you go for something personalised. Like clothing, it's good to find out what gadgets the person already has (although you may not understand the specs at all) so you can have at least a place to start.

Sport fanatics are usually very particular with the gifts they want (that's if it's sports related of course). They have a specific team, or star athlete that they believe is best and you can always play on that to get a gift.

A team jersey, sports book/dvd, or some other sports memorabilia is always an long as you ensure that the item is in support of the persons team (would totally suck to get an amazing sport gift but the team/athlete is wrong). Another option is finding out if the person needs any specific sports gear. You could purchase the particular item and get it personalised or find one that has his/her initial on it.

Home and garden
Whether its something cute for inside or outside, a home and garden gift is great for persons who are passionate about gardening, cooking, decorating or home improvement. Personalised gifts and specially organized baskets are great for these persons because usually you need to really tap into their passion to make the gift perfect.

A cookbook with unique recipes, personalised utensils, a special plant or an unusual piece are nice gifts that you can usually find without much trouble. Once again, checking on what the person already has, and what he/she wants is very important in selecting an item.

Because I'm all for educating our youth, I believe that educational toys and books are the best gift options for children of all ages. While a cute outfit may be ok, I think it should be your last option. Usually now, wherever you can get children's toys, you can find a toy or book that is both fun and educational.

No matter the age or gender, there's something available for all kids. I strongly support gifts that help to develop a hobby, improve his/her level of academic performance, get kids active and of course the learning that's totally disguised as fun. If you're in Jamaica you could check out the Learning Zone where they have tonnes of fun educational games for as young as the little babies.

........and if all else fails............
Gift certificates and gift cards are always an option! Most stores offer them and it gives you a chance to contribute while allowing the individual to pick out exactly what they want.

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There is always the option of getting a nice card and writing something nice and then dropping the money there instead. Special gift baskets are also nice, especially if you aren't quite sure what kind of gift the person would like. With a gift basket you can put a little of this and that, giving you a gift that is well rounded.

Taking the person shopping after Christmas is another option, but it takes away from the surprise of opening a gift on Christmas.

No matter the size of the gift, remember to make it into a special package. Be sure to check out my Christmas wish list! I hope this post lifts a bit of a burden from that shopping list.

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