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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

just when I thought it was Monday

This always happens to me after a long weekend. During the long weekend it feels like everyday is Sunday, so when the working days begin again....I automatically think it's Monday.

After a couple returned phone calls and emails, I have that revelation that it isn't Monday but instead....Wednesday. It was extremely funny in a phone conversation I just had:

Me: I'll need a few days to compile all the new info, so I should be back in touch with you by Thursday.
Lady: Thursday? Something tells me that like me, you keep thinking today is Monday
Me: *silence as I scan the calendar* Oh geez.
Lady: If you want you can send me any updates this weekend and call me on Monday.
Me: No remember Monday is a holiday too. 
Lady: Oh yes. Guess I won't hear from you until Tuesday then

In other words...half of the week has already passed and there are only three working days left to sort out anything before another long weekend.

This may not seem like a concern for most of you....but when you have need for a sponsorship response ASAP...every day counts!

Hopefully some things get sorted out quickly so I can have everything in order by Friday and be able to send off my stuff early for a hopefully positive response.

On another note, feel free to contact me if you or a company you know is willing to sponsor a charity event.

Back to business!

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