Little after posting my AlphabetChallenge post this week, a friend sent me this picture depicting the ABC's of Life by Jerry Criss aka Mr Positive who posts daily motivation bits on his Facebook page.
I particularly love 'Z - Zealously support a worthy cause' especially since I wholeheartedly believe in philanthropy (vote here for my charity to win a paint makeover) and have plans in motion to start my own philanthropic organization.
On another note....maybe for my next AlphabetChallenge I'll use these phrases instead. =]
a little bit of this, that and the other
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
E: every TEEN matters
10:17 PM
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I'll take this week to shamelessly plug in a post about the one and only TEENage Observer Magazine.
We took in a few new members recently and so far I really am excited to work with the 'newbies.' Each new member has so far had some little convo with me and I see that they all have passion and talent but are just a bit rusty around the edges.
I already noticed some similarities between myself and a few of the newbies: eager to learn, focused on achieving, willing to help out but a bit afraid of not getting it right. I'm happy though that they are comfortable with me and see me as an approachable person that they can come to with their queries.
What even warmed my heart was the fact that when I shared my ultimate life goal with a few of them one person stated
Wow you have big dreams! But you seem to have the personality to get you there....I really do hope you get there, that would be amazing.
After having so many nay-sayers and persons giving me confused faces over the years....I'm glad that the term 'educational technology and mas media' doesn't seem to scare persons anymore.
Anywho back to the new writers.
I'm hoping that over the next few moths I get to see them become fully immersed in the world of TEENage, enjoying and adapting to the environment, building relationships, and of course learning from the process.
I am quite confident that the diversity of the members (old and new) will help to ensure that we continue to put out material that appeals to TEENs from all walks of life, because as our slogan says: every TEEN matters.
By the way folks, remember to pick up your copy of the TEENage Observer on a Tuesday whether in the Tuesday Observer or at your school!
Remember too to follow TEENage Observer on Twitter @TEENageObserver
(I did say shameless plug)
Remember to check it out every Tuesday! =]
Saturday, January 28, 2012
JMTC's Hercules: definitely worth it!
12:46 AM
I took my Mom, Grandma and lil sister to see Hercules by the
Jamaica Junior Theatre Company and overall it really was a good show.
Besides the difficulties sometimes to hear (probably because of where we
were seated) it really was a good production from start to finish.
The first thing I shall say here is that Disney movies are near and dear to my little heart.
Those are the things I grew up on and got excited about as a child. In some instances I dreamt of being a particular character, had merchandise that bore their face and name....(don't act like you didn't have them too)....and of course owned the movies on VHS (and for some movies I also had the soundtrack because it was just totally worth it).
Anywho, I say all that to pretty much say: I had some high expectations when I entered the theatre!
The first thing Mom noted was how great the costumes looked and I surely had to agree. I even got a few ideas for random outfit refixes and combinations and all that jazz. Kudos too to the team that put the set together. I noticed a great use of space with simple but totally relevant props to help bring it all together. Of course I couldn't ignore the fact that the technical crew helped to make sure that onstage the amazing set and costumes were complimented with excellent lighting and sound effects (insert here the movement of Zeus' thunderbolt with perfect lighting and sound effects).
One thing I couldn't go without commending are the performers. With even the youngest performers you could see the dedication and passion as they performed. Of course there are some who's singing/acting/dancing skills are more advanced than others, but that didn't change how well they got into character. This to me acted as a reminder of just how talented Jamaicans are! =]
I think overall my favourites were probably Mischief and Mayhem (minions of Hades - God of the Underworld). They really seemed to have gotten into character and as Mom said "I can only imagine how things are if they really are best friends."
The muses were also very good, and they really brought me back to the Disney movie I watched as a child.
All in all, I really did enjoy it and I'm now feeling motivated to take out my Disney classics and watch the movie again!
On another note, though, it warms my heart knowing that the proceeds will be going to charity. I feel good about the fact that the selected charity will one for children (since that's my passion) and that I added to the pool of funds that will help make a difference in someone else's life.
But back to you going to see the show! You've got until February 19th to check it out and in my opinion you really have no excuse!
Who/What: Jamaica Junior Theatre 2012 Production - Hercules
Where: The Phillip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts
When: Until February 19th
I do urge you all to check it out, it's a fun show and it's all for a good cause! =]
The first thing I shall say here is that Disney movies are near and dear to my little heart.
Those are the things I grew up on and got excited about as a child. In some instances I dreamt of being a particular character, had merchandise that bore their face and name....(don't act like you didn't have them too)....and of course owned the movies on VHS (and for some movies I also had the soundtrack because it was just totally worth it).
Anywho, I say all that to pretty much say: I had some high expectations when I entered the theatre!
The first thing Mom noted was how great the costumes looked and I surely had to agree. I even got a few ideas for random outfit refixes and combinations and all that jazz. Kudos too to the team that put the set together. I noticed a great use of space with simple but totally relevant props to help bring it all together. Of course I couldn't ignore the fact that the technical crew helped to make sure that onstage the amazing set and costumes were complimented with excellent lighting and sound effects (insert here the movement of Zeus' thunderbolt with perfect lighting and sound effects).
One thing I couldn't go without commending are the performers. With even the youngest performers you could see the dedication and passion as they performed. Of course there are some who's singing/acting/dancing skills are more advanced than others, but that didn't change how well they got into character. This to me acted as a reminder of just how talented Jamaicans are! =]
I think overall my favourites were probably Mischief and Mayhem (minions of Hades - God of the Underworld). They really seemed to have gotten into character and as Mom said "I can only imagine how things are if they really are best friends."
The muses were also very good, and they really brought me back to the Disney movie I watched as a child.
All in all, I really did enjoy it and I'm now feeling motivated to take out my Disney classics and watch the movie again!
On another note, though, it warms my heart knowing that the proceeds will be going to charity. I feel good about the fact that the selected charity will one for children (since that's my passion) and that I added to the pool of funds that will help make a difference in someone else's life.
But back to you going to see the show! You've got until February 19th to check it out and in my opinion you really have no excuse!
Who/What: Jamaica Junior Theatre 2012 Production - Hercules
Where: The Phillip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts
When: Until February 19th
I do urge you all to check it out, it's a fun show and it's all for a good cause! =]
Thursday, January 26, 2012
just one of those days
9:31 PM
With twenty-four hours in a day, there is so much room for things to happen and moods to change.
Some days I wake up in the best of moods, feeling like I just won the lottery! Some I wake up with what seems to be a grey cloud hovering over me. Then there are other days where I wake up feeling reflective, or like it's just another day....
Probably the strangest days though are those where you want to be in a good mood but an unwanted headache or stress at work just keep you feeling a bit out of sorts....and today is one of those days....
Though I have so much to update you my readers about, this odd mood doesn't have me as excited as I want to be to post those stuff. =/
Hopefully tomorrow is better....much better!
Some days I wake up in the best of moods, feeling like I just won the lottery! Some I wake up with what seems to be a grey cloud hovering over me. Then there are other days where I wake up feeling reflective, or like it's just another day....
Probably the strangest days though are those where you want to be in a good mood but an unwanted headache or stress at work just keep you feeling a bit out of sorts....and today is one of those days....
Though I have so much to update you my readers about, this odd mood doesn't have me as excited as I want to be to post those stuff. =/
Hopefully tomorrow is better....much better!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
yup! Jamaican born and raised
10:53 PM
I saw someone post this online today and I honestly first thought 'yea right.'
Of course then I clicked on the link and when I actually saw that the 3rd coolest nationality is Jamaican!
I'll be honest and say that I do think that sometimes persons have the wrong impression of Jamaicans (like the fact that they believe we all have dreadlocks and call each other 'mon'); but I honestly am glad that there is positive attention given to my amazingly beautiful homeland.
If you don't believe me that Jamaica is a lot more than what you'll expect.....just ask one of the girls I met last year for the Miss Global International pageant. Those girls came here unsure of what to expect and in some cases worried because of what they heard before. But after spending just a week here......many of the global beauties had already started planning their next trip!
It is very comforting to know that although we do have our struggles and our problems, with music and a beautiful island we are so loved by persons around the world that we can rank as the overall third coolest nationality in the world.....which means we would be THE coolest nationality in the Caribbean. =]
Of course then I clicked on the link and when I actually saw that the 3rd coolest nationality is Jamaican!
I'll be honest and say that I do think that sometimes persons have the wrong impression of Jamaicans (like the fact that they believe we all have dreadlocks and call each other 'mon'); but I honestly am glad that there is positive attention given to my amazingly beautiful homeland.
If you don't believe me that Jamaica is a lot more than what you'll expect.....just ask one of the girls I met last year for the Miss Global International pageant. Those girls came here unsure of what to expect and in some cases worried because of what they heard before. But after spending just a week here......many of the global beauties had already started planning their next trip!
It is very comforting to know that although we do have our struggles and our problems, with music and a beautiful island we are so loved by persons around the world that we can rank as the overall third coolest nationality in the world.....which means we would be THE coolest nationality in the Caribbean. =]
Monday, January 23, 2012
D: dreaming for success
10:00 PM
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I think it's fair to say that the average persons has dreams for themselves. Logically one would believe that based on these dreams each individual determines for themselves what it means to be successful.
For me, success is based on whether or not I achieve my dreams. Of course some dreams are basic things that (God's willing) will come in time like a good marriage and a happy family [yes....that is a dream of mine because many persons don't have these things and they really don't come that easy]. I also have other dreams that I know will take a lot of work, dedication and quite possibly take a number of fails; like starting my own educational technology company which I hope will become THE place for educational multimedia in Jamaica [maybe even the Caribbean].
After sharing this life dream with some, I get the response 'wow you want a lot out of life huh.' For me that's usually seen as a means of motivation because yes....I do want a lot out of life and there really is no reason why I can't!
But like I said, it definitely will take a lot of work out of me and there are those times when I see that list of things to do and I become a little distressed at the fact that there is sooooooo much to get done. Usually at that time I look for a song or video that gives me a bit of a mood boost reminding me that I can do it and like Grandma says: the best things in life usually don't come easy.
This past week I found myself in that little rut, and I decided to search for some motivational speech online. I stumbled upon a speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger where he spoke about his six secrets to success. Although I couldn't find where exactly the speech was presented, I made the general assumption that it was at a graduation ceremony in the US (quite possibly California...for obvious reasons).
You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket. -Arnold Schwarzenegger
In a nutshell here are his 6 secrets to success:
1. Trust yourself (no matter what anyone else thinks)
2. Break the rules (not the law)
3. Don't be afraid to fail (you can't always win)
4. Don't listen to the naysayers (let them motivate you)
5. Work like hell (no pain no gain)
6. Give something back (to your community or your country)
But if you're interested in taking in the whole speech, here are the videos (yes sadly it's in 2 parts)
Part 1
Part 2
Of course you know I did try to download them and put them together into one video....but the program I have refused to work with ya.
Well loves I hope it gave you even a little motivation to go for whatever you want in life. For me at this point in my life it did help me get that boost I needed to have me take 2012 by storm!
You can't be paralysed by fear of failure of you will never push yourself. You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and your vision....success will come! -Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sunday, January 22, 2012
grilled cheese a la Kim
1:06 AM
I enjoy trying different random stuff in the kitchen. Quite often I fiddle around with easy dishes to try and make them a bit more exciting.
Other food loves of mine are pasta, herbs and cheese! I guess in a sense I just described Italian food....and my love for it often makes me wonder if in the midst of my Jamaican, Irish and Scottish background....there's a hint of Italian in it. (I ain't complaining if there is lol)
So yes....months ago I decided to give my basic grilled cheese a boost...and I came up with 'my super-fantab grilled cheese.' It really is just grilled cheese with Italian herbs, but the herbs give it a different taste...which is just lovely for me. =]
Anywho, here's how it works....
As usual I was too hungry to really care too much about the photo lol but I hope you get the general idea of it's greatness =]
Hope yours tastes as great as mine did!
Other food loves of mine are pasta, herbs and cheese! I guess in a sense I just described Italian food....and my love for it often makes me wonder if in the midst of my Jamaican, Irish and Scottish background....there's a hint of Italian in it. (I ain't complaining if there is lol)
So yes....months ago I decided to give my basic grilled cheese a boost...and I came up with 'my super-fantab grilled cheese.' It really is just grilled cheese with Italian herbs, but the herbs give it a different taste...which is just lovely for me. =]
Anywho, here's how it works....
- 2 slices of bread
- Cheese
- Herbs/spices (I choose my herb depending on my mood)
- Knife
- If you're using more than one herb/spice you want to mix about half a teaspoon of each together first.
- Sprinkle about two pinches of the herb/spice mix onto the slices of bread. (Trust me when I tell you not to overdo it because the dried herbs carry a lot of flavour).
- Cut four 1/4 inch thick slices of cheese and put two slices on each piece of bread (be sure to place them so that when they melt you can spread the cheese easily).
- Pop it into the toaster oven or microwave for the desired amount of time (the length of time will really depend on your appliance).
- When the cheese is melted take the slices out and use a knife to spread the cheese across each slice of bread so that it covers the entire slice.
- Enjoy!
As usual I was too hungry to really care too much about the photo lol but I hope you get the general idea of it's greatness =]
Hope yours tastes as great as mine did!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
the Saturday morning motions
12:45 PM
Probably the best thing about Saturday morning is that I don't have to be 'up and at em' to get to work for 10am.
Instead I wake up at about 10am and get some stuff done before getting ready for work at 2pm.
I know a couple people are actually thinking that I'm super lucky because their Saturday mornings start super early with some class, practice or just knocking things off the T2D list. (by the way T2D = things to do)
What's weird though is that this morning I actually was up at 9:30am and I felt super motivated to get work done. =/
I got up and did my usual morning routine, made a super-fantab grilled cheese sandwich, then jumped back into bed with my laptop to get my Google on. I decided I'd try and get some project stuff done, especially since I was supposed to have a meeting at 11am with my project team....but because of a bunch of stuff popping up, I postponed it.
I think in my own little way this morning I got lots done and I'm about 50% ready with the stuff I need to fine-tune ASAP.
Feels good doing work on a Saturday morning! So accomplished lol =]
Anywho, I've got work in an hour so it's time I go get ready.
Instead I wake up at about 10am and get some stuff done before getting ready for work at 2pm.
I know a couple people are actually thinking that I'm super lucky because their Saturday mornings start super early with some class, practice or just knocking things off the T2D list. (by the way T2D = things to do)
What's weird though is that this morning I actually was up at 9:30am and I felt super motivated to get work done. =/
I got up and did my usual morning routine, made a super-fantab grilled cheese sandwich, then jumped back into bed with my laptop to get my Google on. I decided I'd try and get some project stuff done, especially since I was supposed to have a meeting at 11am with my project team....but because of a bunch of stuff popping up, I postponed it.
I think in my own little way this morning I got lots done and I'm about 50% ready with the stuff I need to fine-tune ASAP.
Feels good doing work on a Saturday morning! So accomplished lol =]
Anywho, I've got work in an hour so it's time I go get ready.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
are you the next Miss Universe Jamaica?
9:00 PM
I really do like pageants...and I honestly believe that for a young woman, pageants can teach you a lot about yourself and present you with the excellent opportunity to represent your country at an international level.
Of course there is also the fact that throughout the competition (and your reign if you win) you get the chance to meet amazing people who can help you to achieve other goals you may have for your life.
If you're a beautiful Jamaican young woman between the ages of 18 and 27; you have confidence, grace and a great personality; and you wish to have a great pageant experience....then you need to check out what's going on with Miss Universe Jamaica 2012.
Check out the website ( for information on the three casting across the island as well as more info on the plans and ideas for this year's competition.You can also keep up with their Facebook ( for up to the minute updates.
For more info you can also check out my TEENage Observer interview that was done with the team. I asked them about the new team, the plans for 2012, what they will be looking for in this year's winner and of course for info on the prizes that the lucky winner can hope for.
If you dream of being an ambassador for your country or for a cause that you really believe in.....then this may just be the thing for you.
You really have nothing to lose!
Of course there is also the fact that throughout the competition (and your reign if you win) you get the chance to meet amazing people who can help you to achieve other goals you may have for your life.
If you're a beautiful Jamaican young woman between the ages of 18 and 27; you have confidence, grace and a great personality; and you wish to have a great pageant experience....then you need to check out what's going on with Miss Universe Jamaica 2012.
Check out the website ( for information on the three casting across the island as well as more info on the plans and ideas for this year's competition.You can also keep up with their Facebook ( for up to the minute updates.
For more info you can also check out my TEENage Observer interview that was done with the team. I asked them about the new team, the plans for 2012, what they will be looking for in this year's winner and of course for info on the prizes that the lucky winner can hope for.
If you dream of being an ambassador for your country or for a cause that you really believe in.....then this may just be the thing for you.
You really have nothing to lose!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
about this freedom of speech thing
9:50 PM
With everyone talking about PIPA and SOPA I of course had to get my Google on and find out what it's all about.
At first I found a whole lot of stuff I'd have to read and to be honest I wasn't feeling that at all. Luckily, after a little more searching I saw this video and I was glad to see that it gave me a general idea of everything....with very little to read.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
Of course after watching the video I'm now super curious about this whole thing and would love to have the time to do more research on all this. I'm still a bit confused as to how this whole thing's been happening and I'm first hearing about it over the last few which rock have I been living under?
Anywho, to be honest I can fully understand why persons are a bit tweeked about this. The idea of social media forums being censored so person's can't express themselves freely just seems totally out there for me. That would mean that your Facebook status, tweets, YouTube videos and blog posts would all have 'conditions apply.'
In a nutshell - THAT SUCKS!
So that's that. There is of course more info out there to put you more in the know about everything that's happening.
At first I found a whole lot of stuff I'd have to read and to be honest I wasn't feeling that at all. Luckily, after a little more searching I saw this video and I was glad to see that it gave me a general idea of everything....with very little to read.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
Of course after watching the video I'm now super curious about this whole thing and would love to have the time to do more research on all this. I'm still a bit confused as to how this whole thing's been happening and I'm first hearing about it over the last few which rock have I been living under?
Anywho, to be honest I can fully understand why persons are a bit tweeked about this. The idea of social media forums being censored so person's can't express themselves freely just seems totally out there for me. That would mean that your Facebook status, tweets, YouTube videos and blog posts would all have 'conditions apply.'
In a nutshell - THAT SUCKS!
So that's that. There is of course more info out there to put you more in the know about everything that's happening.
Monday, January 16, 2012
C: caught up
11:35 PM
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I think the best way to describe how things have been lately is 'a lil bit crazy.' I've been either doing this or doing that, which unfortunately has resulted in me leaving some things I want to finish up...undone.
Sad yes, but what I've been busy doing has been worth my time so I'm not too stumped about it all. To be honest, there's one thing I hated....being sick last Monday....that totally took a perfectly good day (or 2) from the scheme of things. I actually think that that may just be one of the reason why my week seemed so out of sorts. =/
Oh well, it's now the week that was, and it ended with me being there for my boyfriend in his time of need and I know that it really did mean a lot to him so I'm glad. Besides that there really is nothing new....except the fact that I'm still caught up in a bunch of stuff and haven't been able to sort out some other stuff that I definitely need to get dealt with!
I really do have faith though that this week will be better than the last. Hopefully less challenging and more rewarding...less physically/emotionally/mentally draining and more fulfilling in every way. I give myself a week or two to get into the scheme of things....and you're probably wondering what on earth has me so busy! I promise to post about that soon. =]
Until then I'll just be caught up with the many things I gotta get dealt with this week!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
non-drowsy meds...........lies!
10:07 PM
I think I officially hate seeing the statement 'non-drowsy' on medication!
Then again maybe it's my fault that I continue to allow the manufacturer to fool me with that statement. =/
I think instead they should say 'takes longer to make you drowsy' cause that's exactly what happens with me.
Sadly because of the medication that I taking to kill this cold, I'm drowsy almost all day....I go to bed drowsy and wake up drowsy. *sigh*
For this reason I have a list of things to do that seems to just keep growing.....and things aren't getting crossed off. It's quite annoying to be honest but what can I do? Maybe this is a sign that I need to take a chill from work and relax for a while.....hmmm maybe I should.
Matter of fact....maybe I will. I know it would probably drive me nuts not getting stuff done, but I'll try and remind myself that it's all for the sake of getting better!
Until I can actually take those days off, I'll be spending my days battling these so called non-drowsy meds with my Organo Gold coffee!
Right about now, I'll be going back to work while I still have the energy to work.
Then again maybe it's my fault that I continue to allow the manufacturer to fool me with that statement. =/
I think instead they should say 'takes longer to make you drowsy' cause that's exactly what happens with me.
Sadly because of the medication that I taking to kill this cold, I'm drowsy almost all day....I go to bed drowsy and wake up drowsy. *sigh*
For this reason I have a list of things to do that seems to just keep growing.....and things aren't getting crossed off. It's quite annoying to be honest but what can I do? Maybe this is a sign that I need to take a chill from work and relax for a while.....hmmm maybe I should.
Matter of fact....maybe I will. I know it would probably drive me nuts not getting stuff done, but I'll try and remind myself that it's all for the sake of getting better!
Until I can actually take those days off, I'll be spending my days battling these so called non-drowsy meds with my Organo Gold coffee!
Right about now, I'll be going back to work while I still have the energy to work.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
where do you stand?
11:14 PM
A friend sent me this video today and as expected I watched it. After watching it once and not really taking it in, I was moved to watch it again and to take note of what was being said.
I've grown up in a Christian home with some of my family members being very active in their church as pastor, deacon, choir leader and so on. For that reason church and religion was a part of my life.
As I got older and I was 'more able to make my own decisions,' the reigns were loosened and it is now really my own decision to attend church on a Sunday. Over the last few months I have been putting a lot more thought into my religious beliefs and my personal decisions.
While this video isn't what will make me believe more or less, it did open my mind to thinking about some stuff and sparked some questions.
Not saying you have to agree with it, but Christian or should check it out.
I've grown up in a Christian home with some of my family members being very active in their church as pastor, deacon, choir leader and so on. For that reason church and religion was a part of my life.
As I got older and I was 'more able to make my own decisions,' the reigns were loosened and it is now really my own decision to attend church on a Sunday. Over the last few months I have been putting a lot more thought into my religious beliefs and my personal decisions.
While this video isn't what will make me believe more or less, it did open my mind to thinking about some stuff and sparked some questions.
Not saying you have to agree with it, but Christian or should check it out.
Monday, January 9, 2012
B: bucket list
10:53 PM
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It's not the length of life, but the depth of life.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don't think many of us take into consideration how short life can be, until someone we know passes. At that time we think about all the things that the person did and sometimes we highlight the fact that we believe they enjoyed life to the fullest.
But then for me...thinking about the life of someone else, makes me think about whether or not I have been living my life to the fullest. I question whether or not I have been using my God-given talents to the best of my ability, and if I have been laying the foundation for me to live my life to the fullest in the years to come. It also makes me think about all the things I'd love to do before I die.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say: 'I used everything you gave me!'-Erma Bombeck
One may see it as me being 'overly zealous about life' but I do believe that there is more to life than just living day to day. I believe that as individuals there should be those 'once in a lifetime opportunities' that we would love to get a hold of and those dreams that seem way out there, but for them we are hopeful.
It then begs the question: What are these dreams and once in a lifetime opportunities that I have? This 'things to do before I die' or 'dreams and once in a lifetime opportunities' list is known by some as a bucket list.
Pretty much it's a list of things you want to do in this one life you've got. I started my dream book (a version of the bucket list) round about when I turned 18. It's seen as more of a dream book than a bucket list because thinking about all the things you want to do before you die can be a bit morbid.....Instead, think about all the dreams you want to achieve as you go through life.
At first I simply listed everything that came to mind; from finishing my first degree to travelling to Australia, and just about all things in between. I tried to imagine: What do I want to do in a year/2years/5years/10years and so on? This honestly opens your mind to a lot...especially when you start thinking about age and all that jazz.
For a bucket list you don't necessarily need to be specific as to when and how and where (unless there is an obvious connection with a place of course), but with a dream book you'll need the who, what, where, when and why so that you can have a clear idea of what you want to do.
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.-William Wallace
Maybe because I'm all organized, my bucket list and dream book have been fused together so there is somewhat of a timeline and full plan of all the things I really want to do. I'll explain the dream book in another post though because I've got all sorts of particulars in it.
But if you're not the type to have everything organised to a T, just get a sheet of paper and jot down everything you want to do before you die. Be sure to note the places you want to travel to, the people you want to meet, the foods you'd love to indulge in and the totally out of the box experiences you want to have.
After that, all you have to do is get to it!
Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't.-Richard Bach
Remember that life is promised to none and you never know which day will be your last.
my charity needs your help
3:45 PM
I've often mentioned my charity and although I am still not at a point financially where I can give them more, I am glad that I have been able to volunteer my time and talents to help make a difference in the life of someone else.
One way that I try to play my part is by advocating for the cause and opening doors for them to get opportunities. Currently while I work with the Jamaica Association for the Deaf (JAD), I have been focusing on the Danny Williams School for the Deaf which is a primary education school that caters to children with hearing impairments and those from families with hearing impairments.
Although they have just about 100 students enrolled, the school has a number of needs, but financial constraints make it exceedingly difficult for them to improve their facilities and provide a more enhanced environment for the students.
(click here for a recent article in the Jamaica Observer)
I entered the school in a competition where they would get the chance to win a free pint makeover from BH Paints. Currently they do need a paint makeover and this would be an excellent way of improving the aesthetics of the school. In order for the school to win though, persons have to vote for Danny Williams School for the Deaf through the BH Paints Facebook page. Each person can vote daily and each vote gives the opportunity for you to win a paint makeover for yourself (I believe that opportunity is only for Jamaican/Caribbean voters though).
Working with these kids has helped me to appreciate one of the things I often taken for granted - my ability to hear; and it has motivated me to do more work with the JAD.
Currently I am working on a scholarship fund for Deaf students that I hope to have in place for the 2012-2013 academic year. But until those plans are finalised and donation forms are available, I urge you all to vote for Danny Williams School for the Deaf so they can get their paint makeover, and to check out the JAD website for more information on how you can help.
If you're interested in making a donation, finding out more information or visiting the school with me, contact me and let me know so we can set everything up.
Do your part...lend a hand
One way that I try to play my part is by advocating for the cause and opening doors for them to get opportunities. Currently while I work with the Jamaica Association for the Deaf (JAD), I have been focusing on the Danny Williams School for the Deaf which is a primary education school that caters to children with hearing impairments and those from families with hearing impairments.
Although they have just about 100 students enrolled, the school has a number of needs, but financial constraints make it exceedingly difficult for them to improve their facilities and provide a more enhanced environment for the students.
(click here for a recent article in the Jamaica Observer)
I entered the school in a competition where they would get the chance to win a free pint makeover from BH Paints. Currently they do need a paint makeover and this would be an excellent way of improving the aesthetics of the school. In order for the school to win though, persons have to vote for Danny Williams School for the Deaf through the BH Paints Facebook page. Each person can vote daily and each vote gives the opportunity for you to win a paint makeover for yourself (I believe that opportunity is only for Jamaican/Caribbean voters though).
Working with these kids has helped me to appreciate one of the things I often taken for granted - my ability to hear; and it has motivated me to do more work with the JAD.
Currently I am working on a scholarship fund for Deaf students that I hope to have in place for the 2012-2013 academic year. But until those plans are finalised and donation forms are available, I urge you all to vote for Danny Williams School for the Deaf so they can get their paint makeover, and to check out the JAD website for more information on how you can help.
If you're interested in making a donation, finding out more information or visiting the school with me, contact me and let me know so we can set everything up.
Do your part...lend a hand
Sunday, January 8, 2012
the woes of project planning
3:12 PM
I have so many plans in my little head....but I seem to never have enough time to plan my projects.
Before, the issue was that school needed so much of my time with assignments due and exams to study for. Now, work takes up so much of my time, that I'm too tired to think when I get home so my proposals don't sound the way I want them to.
Then outside of the organising issue, of course there's the issues of sponsorship. To be honest the sponsor will need a proposal....and if the proposal can't get done then there's nothing to give a potential sponsor. On the other hand, there are instances where the proposal is completed, the sponsor is met with and all.....but there is that period of waiting before things get finalised.
If you're anything like me, then during that 'finalising time' you begin to get all agitated and start rethinking some plans and wishing you had pitched something a little different. I'm hopeful and positive though that corporate sponsors will see the need and help out where possible.
At the same time, I know that corporate sponsors is only so much and no more. I know that by involving persons at home and abroad, contribution will come in both small and large amounts. So I'm working on ways to tap into that lovely opportunity.
I actually hoped that by tomorrow I'd have things all sorted out, but this proposal (as I expected) needs some tweeking so I'll probably need another week to reread n fix it all up.
Until then folks, I'd love if persons would just contact me and let me know how much they would be willing to donate to the Danny Williams School for the Deaf for student scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year.
Before, the issue was that school needed so much of my time with assignments due and exams to study for. Now, work takes up so much of my time, that I'm too tired to think when I get home so my proposals don't sound the way I want them to.
Then outside of the organising issue, of course there's the issues of sponsorship. To be honest the sponsor will need a proposal....and if the proposal can't get done then there's nothing to give a potential sponsor. On the other hand, there are instances where the proposal is completed, the sponsor is met with and all.....but there is that period of waiting before things get finalised.
If you're anything like me, then during that 'finalising time' you begin to get all agitated and start rethinking some plans and wishing you had pitched something a little different. I'm hopeful and positive though that corporate sponsors will see the need and help out where possible.
At the same time, I know that corporate sponsors is only so much and no more. I know that by involving persons at home and abroad, contribution will come in both small and large amounts. So I'm working on ways to tap into that lovely opportunity.
I actually hoped that by tomorrow I'd have things all sorted out, but this proposal (as I expected) needs some tweeking so I'll probably need another week to reread n fix it all up.
Until then folks, I'd love if persons would just contact me and let me know how much they would be willing to donate to the Danny Williams School for the Deaf for student scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year.
Friday, January 6, 2012
aunty kim
1:35 AM
I'm almost sure I'm not the only person in their early 20's who finds it a bit odd when called 'aunty' (or in the case of guys: 'uncle')......
So here is what happened:
I'm on the couch thoroughly engrossed with the BBM convo's I am having. In the background there are the sounds of a child (the son of my Mom's friend) and his Leap Frog, and the conversations of Mommy and her friends chatting. Then somewhat out of the blue, there is a voice....a little voice speaking in excitement.
I honestly lifted my head with a confused look on my face [it was such a confused face that I could feel it]. I turned to him and started laughing....but his expression indicated that he was in no way amused by my ignoring him (whether I was aware of him calling me or not).
Then of course after a few mumbles to himself, he eventually started ignoring me (how ironic). I went back to smiling to myself as I watched him and his Leap Frog with his random mumbles as he either succeeded or failed.
Within a few minutes it hit me that he calls me Aunty because to him...I'm old! What was funny is that it isn't the first time I was being called Aunty by a child. The difference is camp and for the toddlers at church, they call you aunty because that's what they call their teachers/caregivers at day care.
In this case, this was the child of a family friend calling me Aunty because to him I was his other Aunties.
To be sure I had it right, I even asked him.....and his response was pretty much 'duh...because you're name is Aunty Kim' and I then thought about the fact that it just makes sense to him in his little world.
It did take me aback a little, because I have no other lil ones in my family who call me Aunty be honest I usually get a number of variations of Kim/Kimmi/Kimberley including 'Timmi', 'Kimerly' and a bunch of other ones that I know I can't spell but they usually sound cute.
I have now accepted though that I'm passed the age where I can just be 'Kimmi' to the little ones....So besides the fact that I felt super old for a few minutes.....I think I'll work with 'Aunty Kim.'
So here is what happened:
I'm on the couch thoroughly engrossed with the BBM convo's I am having. In the background there are the sounds of a child (the son of my Mom's friend) and his Leap Frog, and the conversations of Mommy and her friends chatting. Then somewhat out of the blue, there is a voice....a little voice speaking in excitement.
Him: Aunty..Aunty..Aunty..........(somewhat shouting) Aunty Kim!
I honestly lifted my head with a confused look on my face [it was such a confused face that I could feel it]. I turned to him and started laughing....but his expression indicated that he was in no way amused by my ignoring him (whether I was aware of him calling me or not).
Him: Aunty why you ignoring me?!
Me: I'm sorry hun...what's up?
Him: I was showing you something but you take so long it's gone
Then of course after a few mumbles to himself, he eventually started ignoring me (how ironic). I went back to smiling to myself as I watched him and his Leap Frog with his random mumbles as he either succeeded or failed.
Within a few minutes it hit me that he calls me Aunty because to him...I'm old! What was funny is that it isn't the first time I was being called Aunty by a child. The difference is camp and for the toddlers at church, they call you aunty because that's what they call their teachers/caregivers at day care.
In this case, this was the child of a family friend calling me Aunty because to him I was his other Aunties.
To be sure I had it right, I even asked him.....and his response was pretty much 'duh...because you're name is Aunty Kim' and I then thought about the fact that it just makes sense to him in his little world.
It did take me aback a little, because I have no other lil ones in my family who call me Aunty be honest I usually get a number of variations of Kim/Kimmi/Kimberley including 'Timmi', 'Kimerly' and a bunch of other ones that I know I can't spell but they usually sound cute.
I have now accepted though that I'm passed the age where I can just be 'Kimmi' to the little ones....So besides the fact that I felt super old for a few minutes.....I think I'll work with 'Aunty Kim.'
Monday, January 2, 2012
A: a new perspective
10:00 PM
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AlphabetChallenge |
Usually the beginning of the year brings out the smiles and excitement as I think about all the things I anticipate for the year ahead.
This year was a little different for me though. I had big plans for 2012, but circumstances made me have to push the plans back a little. So although this year I have no major plans set in stone, there is a lot of planning and organization that needs to get done to have everything ready for 2013.
This reminded me that life isn't going to always work by my '5-year-plan' and that sometimes things will happen before or after their expected date. To be honest I was frustrated when I realised things would be setback because as far as I was concerned 'that wasn't my plan.'
The more I thought about it, the more I realised that this setback was to give me the chance to look into my life and take 'the year of no major plans' as an opportunity for personal development, the rearranging of goals and a chance to build my relationship with God.
Then the new year started....and within two days there was a death in my circle. This has been the closest death I've experienced in about five or so years...and although I felt 'I can handle it when it happens,' I can surely say that the depth of emotions I have experienced were a bit unexpected.
As I try and come to terms with everything, I am reminded that each day you wake up, is a that so many of us take for granted. Another thing I noticed is that I sometimes try so hard to be optimistic that I sometimes forget to be realistic. I was so convinced that I could handle it, that I forgot how hurt I was the last time death came so close to me.
I'm hopeful though, and I constantly remind myself that faith and prayer can help anyone get through a rough patch.
I believe that as time passes this situation will help me and will help me get that new perspective for the new year. I strongly believe that 2012 is my year for personal development as I work towards my dreams.
What kind of year do you hope 2012 will be for you?
goodbye curls....
3:17 PM
Yup I gave in already =/
About two weeks ago I posted about my break from all heat and the marriage to my naturally curly hair....but I've changed my mind.
I was doing pretty good with the whole maintenance of my curly hair and I will admit that I really did enjoy them. I even found a few ways that I can help protect my curly hair from damage and all.
Having to rejuvenate curls every morning and de-tangle them every night felt like too much work when I wanted to just 'brush and go.'
Then there was the whole thing of 'what to do with my hair for NYE' and my mini poll happened to lean in favour of my straight hair.
Sadly I have given in to the damaging heat of the dryer, flat iron and curling iron. =(
On the bright side I can change back anytime I want...and something tells me that it's gonna happen soon. =]
About two weeks ago I posted about my break from all heat and the marriage to my naturally curly hair....but I've changed my mind.
I was doing pretty good with the whole maintenance of my curly hair and I will admit that I really did enjoy them. I even found a few ways that I can help protect my curly hair from damage and all.
Having to rejuvenate curls every morning and de-tangle them every night felt like too much work when I wanted to just 'brush and go.'
Then there was the whole thing of 'what to do with my hair for NYE' and my mini poll happened to lean in favour of my straight hair.
Sadly I have given in to the damaging heat of the dryer, flat iron and curling iron. =(
On the bright side I can change back anytime I want...and something tells me that it's gonna happen soon. =]
Sunday, January 1, 2012
alphabet challenge
2:41 AM
I've decided to take on a blog challenge!
I did some googling and found what I call 'the alphabet challenge.' I noticed that there are a number of ways that it has been done but here's how I'll be doing it.
Following the sequence of the alphabet, I'll do one post each week that's based on a topic that starts with the respective letter or letter sound.
You get the picture.....I hope lol
I've decided that I'll post each weeks letter on a Monday and use the label AlphabetChallenge so you can follow with ease in case you miss one. Each AlphabetChallenge post will also have this photo and to go directly to the other posts you can just click on the caption:
In between of course I'll post my other random thoughts =]
Look out for em loves.
I did some googling and found what I call 'the alphabet challenge.' I noticed that there are a number of ways that it has been done but here's how I'll be doing it.
Following the sequence of the alphabet, I'll do one post each week that's based on a topic that starts with the respective letter or letter sound.
A = alphabet challenge
B = bee-u-tee-ful Ja
C = can't touch this
U = under the weather
You get the picture.....I hope lol
I've decided that I'll post each weeks letter on a Monday and use the label AlphabetChallenge so you can follow with ease in case you miss one. Each AlphabetChallenge post will also have this photo and to go directly to the other posts you can just click on the caption:
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AlphabetChallenge |
In between of course I'll post my other random thoughts =]
Look out for em loves.
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