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Monday, December 5, 2011

yawning...tired...but can't sleep

Over the last few weeks my sleep schedule has had little consistency.

Some nights I'm 100% tired by 6pm like some kid, and more often than not, that's the night I have stuff I need to stay up and get done. Then there are other nights there I'm tired at what I consider acceptable hours.....that's like 10pm.

Then of course there are those dreaded nights when I'm wide awake until the wee hours of morning. Those nights are worse when I need to go to bed early so that I can be awake for an engagement the following day, but I cant seem to go to sleep. On those nights when I'm just up for no reason...but have things to do the following day; my mind seems to just keep going with ideas and thoughts that usually seem like my best ideas yet....until I remember that I need to sleep and need to stop thinking!

Now don't get me wrong, there are some nights that I actually have something constructive doing, but then there are other nights when I'm just up, staring at the TV (watching a show I've seen before) or just laying in bed waiting on the sandman to feel sorry for me and pay a visit.

Sadly, tonight is one of those nights. Nothing to do tonight and no specific engagements tomorrow (except work at 11am). Problem is................I'm super tired but I just can't sleep. =(

Anywho, I just yawned again so I'm gonna try and see where that yawn will take me.....hopefully it's to a night of lovely slumber!

Bedtime (I hope)

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