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Monday, January 16, 2012

C: caught up


I think the best way to describe how things have been lately is 'a lil bit crazy.' I've been either doing this or doing that, which unfortunately has resulted in me leaving some things I want to finish up...undone.

Sad yes, but what I've been busy doing has been worth my time so I'm not too stumped about it all. To be honest, there's one thing I hated....being sick last Monday....that totally took a perfectly good day (or 2) from the scheme of things. I actually think that that may just be one of the reason why my week seemed so out of sorts. =/

Oh well, it's now the week that was, and it ended with me being there for my boyfriend in his time of need and I know that it really did mean a lot to him so I'm glad. Besides that there really is nothing new....except the fact that I'm still caught up in a bunch of stuff and haven't been able to sort out some other stuff that I definitely need to get dealt with!

I really do have faith though that this week will be better than the last. Hopefully less challenging and more rewarding...less physically/emotionally/mentally draining and more fulfilling in every way. I give myself a week or two to get into the scheme of things....and you're probably wondering what on earth has me so busy! I promise to post about that soon. =]

Until then I'll just be caught up with the many things I gotta get dealt with this week!

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