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Monday, January 23, 2012

D: dreaming for success


I think it's fair to say that the average persons has dreams for themselves. Logically one would believe that based on these dreams each individual determines for themselves what it means to be successful.

For me, success is based on whether or not I achieve my dreams. Of course some dreams are basic things that (God's willing) will come in time like a good marriage and a happy family [yes....that is a dream of mine because many persons don't have these things and they really don't come that easy]. I also have other dreams that I know will take a lot of work, dedication and quite possibly take a number of fails; like starting my own educational technology company which I hope will become THE place for educational multimedia in Jamaica [maybe even the Caribbean].

After sharing this life dream with some, I get the response 'wow you want a lot out of life huh.' For me that's usually seen as a means of motivation because yes....I do want a lot out of life and there really is no reason why I can't!

But like I said, it definitely will take a lot of work out of me and there are those times when I see that list of things to do and I become a little distressed at the fact that there is sooooooo much to get done. Usually at that time I look for a song or video that gives me a bit of a mood boost reminding me that I can do it and like Grandma says: the best things in life usually don't come easy.

This past week I found myself in that little rut, and I decided to search for some motivational speech online. I stumbled upon a speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger where he spoke about his six secrets to success. Although I couldn't find where exactly the speech was presented, I made the general assumption that it was at a graduation ceremony in the US (quite possibly California...for obvious reasons).

You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket.       -Arnold Schwarzenegger

In a nutshell here are his 6 secrets to success:
          1.  Trust yourself (no matter what anyone else thinks)
          2.  Break the rules (not the law)
          3.  Don't be afraid to fail (you can't always win)
          4.  Don't listen to the naysayers (let them motivate you)
          5.  Work like hell (no pain no gain)
          6.  Give something back (to your community or your country)

But if you're interested in taking in the whole speech, here are the videos (yes sadly it's in 2 parts)

Part 1

Part 2

Of course you know I did try to download them and put them together into one video....but the program I have refused to work with ya.

Well loves I hope it gave you even a little motivation to go for whatever you want in life. For me at this point in my life it did help me get that boost I needed to have me take 2012 by storm!

You can't be paralysed by fear of failure of you will never push yourself. You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and your vision....success will come!        -Arnold Schwarzenegger

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