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Monday, January 30, 2012

E: every TEEN matters


I'll take this week to shamelessly plug in a post about the one and only TEENage Observer Magazine.

We took in a few new members recently and so far I really am excited to work with the 'newbies.' Each new member has so far had some little convo with me and I see that they all have passion and talent but are just a bit rusty around the edges.

I already noticed some similarities between myself and a few of the newbies: eager to learn, focused on achieving, willing to help out but a bit afraid of not getting it right. I'm happy though that they are comfortable with me and see me as an approachable person that they can come to with their queries.

What even warmed my heart was the fact that when I shared my ultimate life goal with a few of them one person stated

Wow you have big dreams! But you seem to have the personality to get you there....I really do hope you get there, that would be amazing.

After having so many nay-sayers and persons giving me confused faces over the years....I'm glad that the term 'educational technology and mas media' doesn't seem to scare persons anymore.

Anywho back to the new writers.

I'm hoping that over the next few moths I get to see them become fully immersed in the world of TEENage, enjoying and adapting to the environment, building relationships, and of course learning from the process.

I am quite confident that the diversity of the members (old and new) will help to ensure that we continue to put out material that appeals to TEENs from all walks of life, because as our slogan says: every TEEN matters.

By the way folks, remember to pick up your copy of the TEENage Observer on a Tuesday whether in the Tuesday Observer or at your school!
Remember too to follow TEENage Observer on Twitter @TEENageObserver

(I did say shameless plug)

Remember to check it out every Tuesday! =]

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