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Sunday, January 1, 2012

alphabet challenge

I've decided to take on a blog challenge!

I did some googling and found what I call 'the alphabet challenge.' I noticed that there are a number of ways that it has been done but here's how I'll be doing it.

Following the sequence of the alphabet, I'll do one post each week that's based on a topic that starts with the respective letter or letter sound.
A = alphabet challenge
B = bee-u-tee-ful Ja
C = can't touch this
U = under the weather

You get the picture.....I hope lol

I've decided that I'll post each weeks letter on a Monday and use the label AlphabetChallenge so you can follow with ease in case you miss one. Each AlphabetChallenge post will also have this photo and to go directly to the other posts you can just click on the caption:


In between of course I'll post my other random thoughts =]

Look out for em loves.

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