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Saturday, December 31, 2011

thoughts on the past year

*Paul Revierre style* The new year is coming...the new year is coming!

I think it's fair to say that 2011 was a good year. As expected I can only base that statement on my own personal achievements and the achievements of others that I've had the opportunity to share in. I think in a nutshell the top 5 things (in no particular order) for 2011 for me would be:

1. Graduating university with my Bachelors in Child and Adolescent Development and a minor in Early Childhood Education.

2. Being crowned Miss Jamaica Global 2011 and having the opportunity to meet amazing girls from around the world.

3. Working in media with the HYPE Tv team and the TEENage Observer team. Both experiences have taught me some of the many particulars of television and print media production that I know will help me in the future.

4. Kickstarting projects with the Danny Williams School for the and advocacy are really two of the things that keep me going.

5. The many memories and unending support I've received over the course of the year from family, friends and fans who believe in me and I in them.

But 2011 wasn't all smiles, and I know that a number of my friends and associates suffered the loss of loved ones this year. While I was fortunate enough to not lose anyone close to me, there were a few scares and I am extremely grateful for the blessings of recovery and life overall.

Going into 2012 I can only hope for the best! Interestingly unlike past years, I'm at a point now where there is no great anticipated event for the new year so I'm pretty much an open book with blank pages going in to 2012.....and to be honest, I think I'm actually ok with that now. =]

Happy New Year loves!

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