Feeling a bit defeated this weekend because there is so much that didn't get done last week and so much to do this week (even without considering the things to be finished from last week).
So yes, my things to do list is very long (got a new program that I'll review for you soon) and my brain keeps ticking trying to figure out how to balance it all.
Of course in the mix I'm getting flustered because somethings that I know can be done with just a little help....aren't getting the little help it needs. That would I believe fluster anyone, but when I think it through I amd reminded of the saying 'if you need something done right then do it yourself' ...and in fine print....this is of course unless it is something that requires technical assistance from an individual with knowledge in a specific field.
..............and just my luck.....one of the things I needed to get done was of the 'technical' nature. sigh
Fortunately for me help was available and now it's back to sorting everything else out.
What made me perk up was when a friend of mine reminded me that all the frustration and the desire to get things done is not necessarily bad....and its all signs of a determined woman.
She did make me feel better because I guess it reminded me that all the worry and stress is within good reason.
It also reminded me that I need to fine tune some other aspects of my life and make sure I find some me-time. I honestly have no problem with that plan.....a work in progress I believe, and there's 100% no reason why I can start now.
Until then I'll be doing me with my usual determined little self.
On another note! Remember to check in with my non-profit foundation on Facebook and Twitter!
a little bit of this, that and the other
Monday, May 21, 2012
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