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Sunday, March 24, 2013

GetOrganised: there's an app for that

For March 2013, each Sunday I'll be helping you to GetOrganised. I'll share tips and tricks aimed at making organisation work for you...noting of course how you could possibly tweek everything to suit your needs.

So this is the fourth post in the GetOrganised series so far, and this post is specially put together for the tech fans. I've been giving different organisation tips without really putting technology in the mix, but since this is the 21st century and there's an app for everything let's consider some of the apps, websites, desktop programs and so on that can help GetOrganised.

Last year when I was hunting for some new apps to try, I came upon this site ( that had an article about 100 tools, websites and apps that can help make organisation easier. I will admit that I kinda went to a sort of heaven with all the options and possibilities...and I went through every single one (obviously I had nothing else planned for that night).

I tried to select the program that I thought suited me best....and Wunderlist kinda won my heart. I even blogged about it! Since then, the Wunderlist team has done a major upgrade and premiered Wunderlist2 which has some great new features and really helps keep me in check.

If you're not quite sure what to look for here's the top three features that I look out for:

1. must be multi-platform:
This is super important if you have devices on different operating systems. Try finding a program that works with Android, Windows, Mac and everything else!

2. must be able to sync on various devices:
Your laptop, tablet and phone should be showing you the same thing regardless of which device was used when any changes were made!

3. must be user friendly: 
This tool is supposed to make your life easier...not more complex. If you need a full day of training to use the program then it may really not be the best thing for you....imagine how long it will take for you to figure things out if something goes wrong?

Of course it's been a year so some of the things listed on that page have more than likely been updated and are now a bit different. Besides Wunderlist, another option I tried was remember the milk, and although that one never stuck with me, it's loved by many of my friends.

There's also the option of using the calendar app on your laptop/tablet/phone. Not to mention the fact that every device has an app store these days, I'm sure you'll be able to find an app that is perfect for you.

Now with ideas to make life easy, plus app options to get organised on every device you own....I hope things get a bit less stressing for you. 

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