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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DIY: bye bye broken make-up

After buying the perfect palette and probably using it a couple times, many fab femmes have the same problem where it slips from you, falls to the floor and shatters.

Based on the stories I've heard, more often than not it happens when you're rushing to get ready and have no time to figure out how you'll fix it.

Recently it was just my luck that my pressed powder fell and cracked a bit. So I went on a hunt to find a fixer because in my mind 'this must happen to other women and there must be a way to fix this.'

TADA! The solution was right there on YouTube!

I was so excited for a solution that I forgot to take pics (sorry guys) but I've embedded the video that I used below so you can try it. There are a number of these videos on YouTube with different persons fixing their broken make-up. The methods are the same, but this is the one I thought gave the best up-close and step-by-step solution.

While the problem I had was with my pressed powder, know that it can also work with your eye shadow and blush (I tried it with blush as well...but not the eyeshadow).

So here are my recommendations:
     1. Try to find the 'perfect sizes circle' before you start 
        the process. That way you're sure it will press to fit 
        the circle better and more evenly.
     2. The alcohol they refer to is rubbing alcohol. I don't 
        know if the alcohol for drinking works....I stuck to the 
     3. Use a bobby pin or something smaller than the knife to 
        help mixing powder and the alcohol. I found it to be a 
        lot less messy. 
     4. Avoid using soft tissue! Hand towel is the best bet. The 
        softer tissues leave little bits behind.
     5. Leave the make-up open for about a day for it to dry 
        completely. It may harden pretty fast but that may not 
        mean it's fully dry underneath.

I hope this saves your broken make-up disaster!

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