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Monday, February 4, 2013

#ReadingChallenge: The Weird Sisters


If this is your first time tuning in to my #ReadingChallenge, here's the skinny: For 2013 one of my personal challenges is to read one book a month. This has in turn become a blog challenge where I review each book I read and where necessary get some influences from each book.

My first book of the year was The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown. While the ending was a bit predictable, overall the storyline was interesting, and the 'page-turning feature' was that I had the lives of 3 characters to follow while not really knowing what they will each do next.

While I get that the story is told by the sisters themselves, I really don't know which sister it is because it's written in third person narrative. A tad bit strange...for me at least, but it was a nice change in comparison to other books I've read.

To be honest I picked up the book while in a pharmacy with my little sister. When I read the summary on the back I gave her a look-see and her first comment was "Oh 3 sisters like us! Sounds good so buy it." I'll admit I was a bit skeptical (at that time I hadn't 100% decided on my reading challenge) but decided to run with it....I was definitely not disappointed!

I see the birth order theories come out in the sisters and the dynamics of a close family and sibling relations. Also in the mix is the toss up between staying close to home and going as far away as possible. Outside of that you get even a bit of romance with each sister taking on relationships in their own very distinct way.

The first drawback I consider with the book was that some things just seemed to take forever to get explained...or got unnecessarily repeated at times. The only other challenge for me personally was the Shakespeare references. I've read 'concise Shakespeare' but never really delved into the various stories so sometimes the references left me up in the air about what the heck they meant lol. But the summary of the novel did clearly state that the father was all about his Shakespeare soooo I really kinda put myself in this position.

I can't say that the sister's represent exactly how my sisters and I are, but there are some similarities that more often than not had me laughing about it all. The plan is to have my older sister read the book next and get her to give me her thoughts on it...she's much more of a reader so I know she'll be done with it in no time. 

My #ReadingChallenge rating for The Weird Sisters:

Worth checking out, and I figure that if you're into Shakespeare it'll be a great read for you.

If you give this book a read, comment on this post and let me know what you think of it!

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