Ok ok ok
Yes I'm 21, but I have an extremely active imagination, I love 'kids stuff' and my inner child is quite prominent sometimes.
How does this link to cupcakes? Well one thing that I think can always put a smile on my face is pastry...and more specifically anything that's in a cupcake form.

It sounds a little silly lol but when you really think about it, the cupcake is the perfect amount of cake and sweetness to satisfy that sweet tooth when you're trying to not break a diet.....especially if it's all pretty! =]
Because of my cupcake love affair I just about NEVER miss an episode of Cupcake Wars or DC Cupcakes and when I get a cupcake it really does brighten my day. =]
Whether it's a simple cupcake with basic frosting or it's all extravagant with a theme and all, I just see them a little bundles of baked goodness!
What's actually kinda cute is that the other day I was out and offered a cupcake. After pulling off the paper cup I noticed that the little girl sitting beside me was watching me with this slightly confused look on her face. I looked over and noticed that not only had she taken off the wrapper, but she had broken off the bottom of the cupcake ans squished it on top of the top of the cupcake.
I guess she saw the 'oh that's interesting' expression on my face and she started smiling.
Me: Hi
Little girl: I was looking to make sure you eat it properly.
Me: properly?
Little girl: yes (in that 'duh silly' tone) You have to make it like a sandwich, that way there's no bite without icing.
This added to my already love-er-ly day! She really made me smile and of course I had to make my cupcake into a sandwich!
I may just eat em like that from now on!

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