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Thursday, May 2, 2013

5 things I think you MUST teach kids

It's Child Month in Jamaica and a lot of attention is being given to child related and even some parenting related issues. Children getting attention is surely not a bad thing, especially since many children in Jamaica face neglect and miss out on all the love they deserve.

I'll add too how glad I am to see that there is some attention being given to reminding parents of their responsibilities as parents; especially since children are often called 'sponges' (figuratively of course) based on the fact that they absorb information like a sponge absorbs water.

There are many behaviours that kids 'suck up' from their environments and when these behaviours are negative or blatantly anti-social, I often have no qualms about blaming the parents who seem to have their kids living a 'free-for-all' life, and not teaching them what I believe are important that should be taught and embraced from an early age.

Since I have no kids now some parents may read this and say that I can say whatever I want because I don't understand, there are five things I believe every child MUST be taught/understand early, so as to ensure that the positive behaviours continue with them throughout their lives.

Here's my take (feel free to agree or disagree): 

1. Money management: 
From early ages, children should have an understanding and appreciation for saving and spending money. Nobody is expecting a child to fill a piggy bank in a week! But at least get them into the habit of putting even a few cents into a saving tin when they get money. It would also be a good idea to never tell them 'I don't have the money right now' but then you go buying some random thing for yourself....that would definitely send the wrong message.

2. Gender equality: 
Yes, I went there. I'm honestly over this talk about 'boy and girl colours' and 'boy and girl tasks'.....and I'm surely not about nasty kids who don't clean up after themselves. So instead of making a girl do this and a boy do that, how about having all your kids doing every task. Regardless of gender all children (by the time they are 17) should be able to cook and clean for themselves....regardless of gender! It's not about child labour, but instead it's about giving them manageable takes for their age. If not, how will they survive when they go off to college or leave the house (because they will leave...unless you had plans to baby someone until you die).

3. Punishment: 
Each child is different and that's how punishment should be....unless you have somewhat of a Brady Bunch, in which a situation of group punishment is probably your best option lol. Seriously though, kids need to understand from an early age that every action causes a reaction and that they are expected to be more responsible for their actions as they get older. Of course for any system of punishment to be balanced, the parents and caregivers must work together, and they must also ensure that children are praised when praise is due.

4. Giving back and civic pride: 
Charity and civic pride should be a part of any home. With charity, nobody expects that you will give up your all and everything but at least ensure that some aspect of social responsibility With civic pride, there are just some things that your child should know about the country they live in and where they were born. Not to mention the fact that both giving back and civic pride can teach respect for self, for the environment and for their country. 

5. Skills, talents and an education:
In my family, parents do their best to ensure that their children get an education while also honing individual talents and skills. Holistic development is obviously the best choice for all children and by mixing their natural talents with the opportunities for a good education the child gets the chance to be the best they possibly can be. This mix gives the child the chance to learn how to balance their live...which is something that will do wonders for them as they get older!

So there goes top 5 things I believe each child must learn/understand. There are many other things I believe that kids need to get into their brains from early....but that's another post.

Come to think of it, I think I have a few more posts about 21stCenturyKids up my sleeve!

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