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Monday, April 8, 2013

here's to turning 23

In a matter of days I'll be turning 23.

That's a mere two years away from being a quarter of a century....which could or could not be a bad thing. I'll say it's definitely not a bad thing, because each birthday is a celebration of life....and that's something that's taken from many each day.

After a particular conversation with my Grandma about celebrating another birthday and being grateful for the lessons learnt; I actually started looking back at the year's I've had, and thinking about what I've learnt. Here's more or less what I realised:

1. Money isn't the root of all evil....greed is!

2. In this the 21st century, it's better for you to know a little about 100 things than everything about one thing. This doesn't mean you need to be a 'jack of all trades' it really just means you need to open your mind to appreciating other things that may not be your norm.

3. The siblings you thought were the most annoying folks when you were a child, they will never not be annoying....but you'll appreciate them for their every ounce of annoyance as you get older.

4. Being your own 'biggest fan' is very important because not one soul will appreciate your accomplishments, goals, and dreams more than you....fortunately the real people in your life will support you anyway.

5. Many people will be 'there for you' until they really have to be there for you. Know who to trust and who you can really depend on.

6. No matter how much you 'break the mold' and counter a stereotype, there's going to be those one or two folks who believe so strongly in that stereotype that you don't phase them....don't let them bring you down, just prove them wrong.

7. Good relationships are 60% give and 40% get. That's where both persons are giving 60% and expecting only 40% in return (if you did the math then you get that it means both partners are benefiting)....if it's otherwise, just forget it.

8. There's nothing wrong with being a little bit selfish....if you overextend yourself for everyone else, then you wont have much use to yourself cause you'll be all burnt out.

9. The arts will by far be the best means of expression...there's a dance, song, piece of art or piece of writing that will perfectly describe how you feel all the time.

10. School does not teach you everything you need to know....and it's quite likely that it never will. Some things you will just have to learn yourself.

11. Do what you love...because having a career you love (with decent pay) is much more fulfilling than having a job you hate (but it pays your bills)....unless you can get the best of both worlds...and in that case: carry on!

12. Yes companies expect you to have experience, and yes you need a job to gain experience...but there's a way around's called know that thing people seem to not be too interested in these days.

13. For many, charity isn't sexy (thanks to the bar set by most ad campaigns and music videos) least not unless there's a bikini or seductive voice involved....and that would kinda just be weird.

14. More often than not, there is someone out there who is less fortunate than you are. It doesn't mean you need to try and swap lives with them, but at least lend a helping hand.

15. Self assessment is necessary. Every couple months or once a year look at where you are in life and where you want to go, as well as the decisions you've made and the result of those decisions. It should help to give you a little direction and help you somewhat track your accomplishments.

16. Laughing is really the best medicine for every situation. Whether you're laughing at yourself, your friends, random folks or whatever...just don't be mean....that ain't cute.

17. Misery LOVES company...but don't try to make other persons miserable because you're feeling crappy. It's also a good idea to avoid the company of miserable people. Try to help them feel better, and if it doesn't work then move away until the person actually wants/needs you.

18. TEDtalks are the perfect source of motivation! There are hundreds of talks about so many different things across the globe. When you have no motivation to do work...spend it wisely watching some TEDtalks.

19. Take risks and grab opportunities as they come...even if they all don't pay. Who knows which opportunities will get you to exactly where you want to be. Just be sure to check it all out before you dive head first.

20. Social media is one of the greatest 21st century 'inventions' ever....but if not used correctly and in somewhat of moderation, this collection of tools can waste all your 'dream chasing' time and possibly get you into serious issues...just remember that your virtual impressions are lasting.

21. Believe in someone/something greater than yourself. My beliefs are based on Christianity, but in respecting and appreciating other views, I'm not gonna say you MUST choose to believe in God....but I will say, sort out your spirituality! 

22. Someone out there will love you, and someone out there will hate you (these folks may be different from the ones who stereotype you). Never allow the persons who hate you to determine how you live your life and whether or not you achieve your goals.

23. Stop trying to make lemonade when life gives you lemons! You're way too unique for that...make something unexpected instead.

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